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12 Tips From Semalt On How To Promote A WordPress Site On Google

There are quite a few website promoters who are not willing to work with websites that rely on certain platforms. These promoters condition the promotion of the website in the transition to a WordPress-based website management infrastructure.

Also, since WordPress is a content management system based on open source, developers around the world produce its various add-ons that greatly reduce various tasks, including promoting the site as well.

Website promotion in WordPress is a whole bunch of processes and whole books can be written about them.

In this post, I want to focus on a collection of actions that a webmaster can perform on top of the WordPress platform to promote the site he trusts.

However, it is important to understand that in the process of real website promotion one does not go straight to the WordPress management interface and start making changes. SEO is a process that requires planning, proper ordering, creativity, and more.

Let's start with going over a few tips that are worth considering in any WordPress-based SEO project.

1. Choose a quality storage company that suits your needs

Before you even set up the site, fill it with content, create a proper hierarchy, and fine-tune the various tags on the site, there's one thing you need to do first. The most basic and important thing you can do is choose the hosting company that will host the WordPress server you will install.

WordPress, as well known, is an open-source system and can be installed on most web hosting services. Some of these hosting services will offer you a quick and easy installation of WordPress with a few clicks.

Why is it important to choose a good storage company? 

First, because the name of the hosting company also has meaning in terms of SEO.
If you choose to run your site on free and dubious storage, which is used to run gambling sites, various spam sites, and more, your site can also be damaged in terms of promotion.

Second, a good hosting company will be able to provide you with a fast and secure infrastructure. There are also parameters that are undoubtedly important for website promotion.

More about choosing the right storage company

If you are undecided between hosting companies it could very well be that you are in the initial stages of setting up the site, and are not currently able to see several steps ahead.

But the quality of support of the storage company at critical moments is of immense importance.

Imagine that you are during the launch of a crazy campaign with dozens of daily inquiries coming from a sponsored campaign or organic promotion you have made, and the site becomes slow, cumbersome, and unavailable.

Not really pleasant, right?

Beyond the fact that partial availability will cause you to lose customers, it may also cause you to lose positions in Google, which wants to show searchers who use the search engine sites that display a high level of availability.

It will also be worthwhile to find out in which language the storage company can support you, whether the support is provided in writing or by phone, and also at what hours you will be able to receive such support.

2. If you are using a template, choose it carefully

In the past, it was customary to use WordPress templates to set up websites.

The models allowed site builders to produce sites that look great.  But they do not take into account the various decisions related to the typography of the site, the relationship between images and text, the structure of the site, and more.

Today, many website builders use sophisticated page builders, such as Elementor for example, which allow them to create spectacular websites without the limitations created by the templates.

However, it is not inconceivable that the site you have set up is based on one designed template or another. If this is the case, it is worth noting that the template contains important features that help in the proper SEO process.

Let's talk about one of these features that is the reactivity of the model

Responsiveness is a feature that allows the various pages of the site to be displayed optimally on any device and at any screen resolution. The adaptation of the pages of the site to mobile is a whole theory in itself and includes issues related to user experience, accessibility, design, correct division of the page, correct use of images, and more.

A second feature that you should pay attention to when choosing a template, is that it is not a template based on one page with quick links to the various parts of the page.

While this is a nice design trend, which can enhance the user experience with quite a few sites, in general, we will note that it will be very difficult to promote a one-page site on a series of key phrases in the search engine.

3. Select the structure of the page addresses on the site

WordPress allows you to choose the URL structure of the site pages.

This is an important feature for SEO. You can also create your own Permalinks structure using variables like date, year, month and more.

What should you check when choosing the structure of the links on the site?

It mostly matches your needs.

For example, if the address structure includes a category use, make sure you're sure that category is here to stay. If you decide to change the structure of the site shortly and replace or remove the category, you will have to perform a difficult activity of referrals, which will rob you of quite a bit of time and be prone to mistakes.

Using a date is only recommended when you want surfers who come to the page to understand how topical it is. In other cases, it is highly recommended to avoid using different date sections when determining the URL structure.

In any case, it would be advisable for sites that are not very large to manually edit the slug, the final part of the URL to incorporate important keywords in the promotion.

4. Determine the site hierarchy

WordPress allows you to create a hierarchy on the site by creating master pages and sub-pages, as well as through menus and submenus.

In general, you should not produce too many hierarchy levels on the site. It is commonly thought that the farther a page is from the home page in terms of hierarchy, the less important it is to search engines.

Here are the rules that a good hierarchy must fit

  • First, it would be better for each hierarchy level used as a parent category to have at least two hierarchy levels below it. Otherwise this split would be unnecessary and everything could be implemented at the top hierarchy level.
  • Second, make sure that between levels of the hierarchy that they are sisters there will be a common denominator.
For example, under the category Baby Products, it would make sense to find a page of activity mattresses and a page of diaper pads. But if under this category there is a page of activity mattresses and a contact page - it would not make much sense.

5. Set up a blog on the site

WordPress allows you, in addition to creating static pages on the site, to set up a blog.

Using the management interface you can determine which of the pages on the site will be used to host the blog.

Establishing an active blog on the site is one of the most important steps you can take to promote the site. The blog has several roles: it should review many and varied topics in the niche in which the site operates, stream quality traffic to site visitors. Also, generate outbound links to relevant sites, and expand the understanding of search engines about the environment in which the site operates, help rank long-tail phrases included in various posts. , And more.

WordPress allows you to divide your blog posts into categories, and display different categories on different pages. You can also make tags but be careful not to overuse them.

6. Use internal links

WordPress allows you to link between different pages on the site using anchor text. The use of internal links on the site is a very important part of site promotion.

Here are some advantages of the internal link

  • First, they allow search engine crawlers to discover more pages and index them.
They provide an enhanced user experience and allow site visitors to navigate more easily between different pages. They increase the length of stay of surfers on the site as well as the number of pages on which a surfer visits on average in one visit.
  • In addition, internal links create content links and help search engines better understand the content embedded in the pages of the site.
They can also help persuade a surfer who is undecided before purchasing by referring him to more relevant information.

Proper use of internal links should direct a large part of the power of the links on the site to the category pages and general pages.

7. Improve Meta tags on site pages

Some of the information managed on the site is not information displayed to surfers through the browser.

This is information that is not an integral part of the site's pages, and is displayed, for example, in the various search engines.

There are quite a few Meta tags that will allow you to manage additional information about the content on the site and thus help the search engines decide whether these pages are relevant to the queries performed by surfers. Two of these Meta tags are the title tag and the description tag.

The title tag will be displayed as the search result in the search engine when it will think that the relevant page matches the query performed by the surfer. Below the title tag will be the page URL, and below it, the description tag.

In practice, updating the title tag and description tag is one of the actions that at a cost-benefit level can help the most to promote the relevant page on the site. This change does not cost you money, it takes exactly one minute, and does not depend on professionals with extensive knowledge and experience.

When updating the title tag, you should include a keyword or two on which you want the page to be ranked, and include the brand name as well. It is advisable to make the tag to be long, to take up real estate space in the search engine, but not too long, so as not to cut.

8. Improve the title hierarchy on the site

WordPress allows you to determine not only what text embedded in the site will look like, but also its role on the page.
The general recommendation is to use one main H1 header per page, several subheadings according to the H2, H3, etc. hierarchy, and between them make use of a regular paragraph marked p.

9. Create an alt tag for the images and type in the image file name

WordPress allows you to manage a number of features in the context of image handling.

One of these features is the use of the alt tag, which aims to indicate an alternative text that helps the search engine better understand what is displayed in the image, and also helps visually impaired surfers to get information about the object displayed in the image using unique reading software.

10. Install a Caching plugin on the site

A cash plugin that you embed on the site can help surfers who come to the site enjoy improved loading times.

The Cash plugin allows the site to produce a local and available copy for download of popular pages on the site, and more intelligently manage the loading of weighted objects such as images and videos.

11. Secure the site

In order to succeed and promote the site organically in the search engines and especially in Google, it will be important that you make sure that the site is safe to use, does not expose your surfers to phishing attacks and other attacks, and that security holes in the infrastructure cannot be easily exploited.

Here are the important parameters that must be secured on the sites

  • Choose strong passwords for the site management interface
  • Install security plugin
  • Make sure all the time that the PHP version is updated
  • Install an SSL certificate on the site
  • Block XSS in the site management interface
  • Disable access to important file folders in WordPress
  • Disable unnecessary functionality and more.

12. Include links to important pages in potter

The potter is the fixed bottom of the site, which is repeated on all pages of the site.

Internal links that are embedded in the potter correctly can help you signal to the search engine that the already limited space that already exists in the Potter, you have chosen to designate for links to important pages on the site. Use the potter to strengthen the main category pages

In conclusion

There are lots of other steps that you should take in any WordPress-based SEO project. I have not elaborated here, obviously, all that is required to be done, and yet, this is a good start.

However, it is obvious to know that SEO in general is a technical and continuous work. So to promote your website, I suggest you use SEO services such as Semalt. Because Semalt offers you a unique SEO solution.

By using Semalt services, you will have the opportunity to be at the forefront of search engine results in a very expensive time. With The Professionals of Semalt you will benefit from quality service and continuous follow-up.